File type
License type and image authors will stop tracking copyright and filing complaints if you check out our offer and become our partners. Below is our suggestion.

We offer additional monetization of sites with clipart: up to $ 15 per 1k of your website traffic.
Plus to your current income.

The essence of the proposal:

- you put our js script on your site.
- the script determines the traffic leaving your site and shows our offer to the visitor.
- we monetize this traffic
- you get your commission

Your income:

- After installing our code, partners receive additional income of up to $ 15 per 1k of traffic on their site.
- Income from Adsense and other sources is retained.
- Suppose you are now getting $ 15 per 1k traffic on your site, and you will receive up to $ 30 per 1k traffic on your site.

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